Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What Really Is Happiness?

 H a p p i n e s s (n) : 

- The quality or state of being happy [adj: feeling, showing, or expressing joy; pleased]

I have been fine-tuning this post over the past few days and have come to realize that happiness cannot be encompassed by the single definition above. In fact, not even what I have written down below about my recent revelations truly covers it all...

Happiness is exploring your passions.

-Always open and follow your heart to see where your passions lie-
We have all been told to "do what you love". It really is as simple as that. If you are not enamored by something you do, you will not be happy.

Those who truly know me, know how much love and adoration I have for the sport of volleyball and that it brings me so much joy. Volleyball has always been a passion of mine and one that quite frankly, ran my life. Now that I am heading off to college this fall, I will no longer be playing at the competitive level I am accustomed to and without it I have become lost. So naturally, I have had to find other ways to fill up my summer (during the time I have off from my summer job, of course).

Art has always been an enamoring hobby of mine but typically in the form of drawing and sketching. After being inspired by dorm room decorations and thinking I could DIY my own to save money, I pursued painting.  I also wanted to see if it would strike a similar spark inside of me like my other passions did. Crazy enough, it ended up lighting a little more than a spark; It started a fire and has evolved into a new love of mine.  Opening myself up to explore this artistic passion has become more than discovering something I adore, it is my happiness.

Happiness is being surrounded by your loved ones. 

Whether it is immediate family, relatives or friends, surround yourself with those who love, support and care about you. You will find that being in their presence is happiness.

Happiness is a state of mind. 

I, by no means, am happy all the time and quite frankly, no one can be but I've found that trying to see the bright side in tough situations, making every moment count, and simply enjoying and living life forms happiness. Openly allowing and dwelling on anything less than the presence of joy creates a heavy mindset but letting positivity into your life and enjoying all that each day has to offer by living life and not just existing in it is happiness.

"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be"
                                    - Abraham Lincoln

Ask yourself this...

Am I making time to explore my passions?
Am I surrounding myself with my loved ones?
Am I living in a happy state of mind?
What does happiness mean to me?


  1. I agree no one can be happy all the time, and I feel that the bad times only make the happier times happier. Life is funny that way, but without its opposite, we wouldnt know what we have...without dark we wouldnt have light, without hate we wouldnt have love. I love your thoughts!! <3

  2. I completely agree!! <3 Thanks so much Lauren!! (:
