Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Find the Light

"It's just not fair."

Half the time, we blurt that short phrase without truly knowing the meaning of it.

As a young child, when our parents said no to a popular toy that we wanted so desperately, we would kick, scream, or cry (perhaps all of the above) so loudly in belief that our world would end because it was so unfair. As adults, we become bitter and believe it is not right when others receive a promotion over us when we may be the harder worker. We become envious and frustrated when we see others smitten in relationships but may be having problems with our spouses, ourselves.  From the time we are young, we are all raised to have this unspoken mindset that life is simply unfair each time we do not get something we want or when something better happens to someone other than ourselves.

But when it comes down to it, is it really an unfair life? Or, just a meaningless phrase that places a title over a feeling of frustration?

In order for fairness to exist, there has to be a balance between what is right and what is wrong.

In the moment, certain circumstances may feel unjust; however, once time passes, it is easier to realize that everything eventually evens out. Like one of my favorite quotes states, "For every dark night comes a brighter day".  It is impossible for one person to have any more hardships or bountiful times than another.  Every person possesses a nearly equal balance of both.  The richest of men and women often go through life believing happiness is tied with material items but never discover the true happiness that others of lower income and stronger relationships with those around them embody. But both types of people are happy and rich; whether it be monetarily, by the love and support of friends and our family or by being in a simple state of contentment.

While we all often experience moments of joy, we all face similar tragedies too, just in different periods of our lives. For example, some children lose their parents at a young age, others when they are older. Nevertheless, the hard times are still obstacles everyone experiences at some point. We all face the same highs and lows. Our lows just might come at someone else's high, making it reasonable that the bitterness and feeling of unjustness is often on the tip of our tongues. But later on, we will reach the highpoint that we were so envious of before while the other person is experiencing our low. There is a constant trade-off which is why fairness really does exist in our lives.

Life truly is a roller coaster ride full of ups and downs but how we handle the journey is what matters the most.

Whether we would like to believe it or not, life is fair. It is important to remember in tough situations that there will be a time down the road that is far greater than the pain or hardships you are going through in the moment.

Try to find the light during dark times by turning negative situation into a learning experience or growth.

If you can't find the light, make it.

Spark a change within yourself.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Live Every Day With a Grateful Heart

Want to know the real secret to a happy life?

Be thankful.

Yes, it really is that simple. As the quote goes,

"Wake Up Every Day With a Grateful Heart"

It is pointless to complain about what you do not have in your current possession or even what you do have because you certainly have more than some people do. You could always have way less than you do now as well. You are lucky for what you possess. Be grateful.

Embrace the experiences you go through regardless of how negative they are. At the end of the day, no matter how miserable it was, you gained valuable experience and strength from the situation. Be thankful.

Enjoy the happy times. Cherish and value the little things and positive moments in life that bring you joy. It is easy to get caught up in wonderful and joyous moments but be grateful.

Most importantly, remember that those who are currently in your life are part of your journey for a reason and no matter what, be thankful for them. Make sure that they know just how much they mean to you on a daily basis.  Always tell them how much you truly appreciate what they do for you, the time they spend with you and that you are extremely grateful they are in your life.

It is understandable that time is valuable and the whirlwind of stress, careers and daily life gets in the way which may lead one to say there is not enough time to say thanks. I agree, our time is precious and these days quite expensive, however, taking a second or two to give thanks is free and rewarding. It can ease that stress and uplift your spirits. What happens when you run out of time before you reach that "tomorrow" in which you planned on saying all of your piled up thank-you's? You would never ever get the chance to tell those you care about just how much you cared about them. Just something to think about....

No matter what, be thankful and live every day with a grateful heart. It leads to a happier heart and a happier life.

This is something I live by daily and I hope many of you do as well.

To those of you who read my posts,

Thank you for spending some of your precious time reading my thoughts. I can't put into words just how much it means to me. It is incredible that you like (or maybe not) what I have to say. If you have any comments or feedback, I would love to hear it. I love learning from others and knowing what you truly think of what I write.

