Sunday, July 7, 2013

Life's Sky

I have been contemplating starting a blog for a while to write about some life lessons, interesting experiences and thoughts but as I was trying to fall asleep last night, my mind kept wandering. For reasons, even I cannot comprehend, my thoughts revolved around how truly incredible and beautiful the sky is and how much it actually parallels life. In case you were wondering, the name of my blog solely originates from my insomniac thoughts last night and is the muse for my first post...

At first thought, the sky may mean nothing more to you than a typically aqua blue colored substance overhead filled with an abundance of wispy marshmallow clouds and a bright shining sun. But when I originally think of the sky, a thousand childhood memories come flooding back.

I can recall gazing up at the clouds in wonder out my car window on road trips or laying on my back in a patch of green dewy grass during summertime, trying to figure out what the clouds looked like most or even testing my knowledge on the scientific name of each type floating across the horizon (In elementary school, I received a book on clouds and stars from my uncle. For some reason, I was particularly fond of showing off that I knew when a cumulonimbus cloud floated in the distance). Although, most of my memories that flash back actually do not even involve cloud-watching. The sky is usually tied with the background of my memories; no matter which point in time, I can usually remember what the sky looked like at that moment in my life. It is amazing to think that the sky has experienced our past, lives in our present and has it's eyes set on the future.

We have all heard the saying,
The sky is the limit.
and in a sense that is true. Our given opportunities and experiences day in and day out are countless just as the sky seems vast and endless. There really are no true limits and there is nothing holding us back from succeeding. Our opportunities are out there. We just never have to stop striving to "reach for the stars" and testing this atmospheric and metaphoric boundary.

With every sunrise on the sky's seemingly infinite horizon, comes new and boundless possibilities within our grasp.  There are times when we will have to endure lengthy grey storms of set backs or sadness but once those dark and gloomy clouds pass and the sun finally sets, we can paint a whole new sky the next morning; one with layers of excitement, wonder and happiness.

What does your sky look like today?
Is it clouded and heavy to the point of weighing you down?
Or are you going to delve into painting an innovative, picturesque and limitless sky?


  1. Very nicely Written Lindsey. Will enjoy reading your future posts.

  2. Agree with Kathy. Beautifully done!

  3. Thank you very much!! I appreciate y'alls feedback(:
