Friday, January 3, 2014

Why Not?

Two small but powerful words..

It has not been until this past year that I've really started to come to terms with who I am, what I want to be and how I want to live my life.  Recently, it has become ever so present that our time on earth is short. I don't want to go through life without any regrets. I don't want to reach the years of old age and incapability, wishing that I would have taken more risks, more chances, or have done things I always wanted to do but maybe was afraid to when I had the chance. Pushing your boundaries, testing your limits, having fun and doing something out of the ordinary or on a whim is part of life. It's how you truly get the most out of your time here.

Next time you enter a situation in with a yes or no answer, ask yourself "Why not?". 
 Honestly, what is the worst that can truly happen besides not making memories and feeling full of regret?

At this moment, you are the youngest you will ever be, take the chance. Life is short. Why not! 

"Why not?" has been my motto and a saying you would often hear me utter throughout my first semester of college. Not only has it helped me break out of my shell even more and allow me to make some pretty neat memories but it has helped me learn more about myself and others. 
I can recall a night in which I stayed up until sunrise walking around campus (why not take a night time adventure around school?)  with my best friend. We talked about anything and everything. Naturally, I frequently questioned the topics we were discussing as well as where our wandering would take us. It led to interesting topics, neat places and I learned so much more about both my dear friend and myself too.

I am not saying to live reclessly and use "Why not?" as your end all answer but...

"Enjoy your youth. You will never be younger than you are in this moment." Find your passion and live it out, enjoy every minute, spend your time with those who you care about and whom care about you, and take a risk. You have all this time at your disposal and you waste it if you do not enjoy it. 

Why not do what makes you happy? Why not try something new? Why not embarrass yourself and have fun? Who cares?  Why not stay up all night and enjoy time with your friends?  Why not make memories that will last a lifetime? Why not travel? Why not do something out of character for once? Why not do something to find who you are?

Ever find yourself wishing you would have done something? Change it. Why not do it now?


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year, A New Resolution

It's that time of year again to set resolutions in hopes of a prosperous, healthy and happy new year. Although many would argue differently, I find New Year's Resolutions very advantageous as long as you view it as a goal or guideline to help shape your year.

The last two years, I have stuck to mine for all 365 days and it was incredibly rewarding.

In 2012, I decided that I wanted to try or experience something new every day of the year. I stuck to it and gained more from it than I ever thought I would. (I even made a journal of all I accomplished and it is pretty fun to look back on!) A simple resolution opened up my world and now the idea of not being afraid to try new things is engrained in my daily life.

2013 was the year I decided I wanted to be happy every day or rather, find happiness in something each day. This resolution helped me get through a tough year by learning to look at the bright side of things and find the light during hard times. Like the previous year's resolution, this resolution is now something I live by.

It took me some time to figure out a resolution for this new year but I finally decided upon one...

My 2014 New Year's Resolution is to live a richer life. 

I want to live a life rich...

  • in service
  • in love (and in loving of others)
  • in appreciation for others and everything that crosses my path
  • in happiness
  • in new experiences, new opportunities and new journeys
  • in lessons
  • in open-mindedness
  • in fearlessness by taking more chances 

I want to experience and learn everything I can this year while continuing to build upon my passion for life and for those around me. 

I can tell that this year will be a wonderful one and I cannot wait to see what will happen in the months to follow. 

Whether you set a resolution or not, I hope your year is the best one yet and filled with prosperity, love and joy! 

Make the most of the 364 days left of 2014!